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EZ Launcher10 viewsA launcher app with 10(!) programmable buttons. Made in, gosh, 2015? Inspired by a goofy 3D VB6 shareware launcher TomKTW made a video about.

PhotoPage10 viewsMy big break from 2016 to late 2017. It's pretty clumsy when I come back to it, but I recently downloaded a ton of the older versions from what was HockeyApp (now VS Dev Center) for safekeeping. The custom templates would eventually evolve into AutoSite (first the 2018 python version) and then AutoSite XL (which became the AutoSite we know now)

skyroads-1010 views

Infiniminer client on Windows XP (Dell Latitude)9 views

Mini vMac on Windows XP (HP Media Center PC)9 viewsYou can run Word in under 640k of RAM!

Gopher Usenet newsgroup9 viewsMyself I think the + type is a way of defining mirrors, but I'm not aware of a client that picks up on em.

fiery-descent-109 views

Paint.NET on Windows 7, aero glass and all8 viewsso glossy! This was captured on my 08 black macbook.

Clipboard Viewer8 viewsA little program to view the clipboard.

alien-receiver-108 views

flow-108 viewsOr, "Pretty Lights - Finally Moving"

Gopherpup working on new Pituophis update7 views

Quake website on ProtoWeb7 viewsLegend tells if you wait long enough, the countdown'll start ticking into the negatives.

WinTV-Scheduler UI7 views

OmniWeb and VLC on my Power Mac G47 viewsAlso now running Sorbet Leopard. I did some disk partitioning and Carbon Copy Cloner gymnastics to get it installed in a way that I could transfer my stuff from 10.5.8 right over to the new install. Featuring: Somnol Radio!