Home > Drawings > 2023
Some hasty doodlings of my genet character for the Pinède quest I've been exchanging with [url=http://cammy.somnolescent.net]Cammy[/url]. I put him in a lightning mage fit but I think Mikko (mountain hare) is that? It's all good it looks cool :')

I do think I'm on the cuff of some style changes, I've been wanting to fiddle with how I draw eyes some.

Keywords: Pinede


Some hasty doodlings of my genet character for the Pinède quest I've been exchanging with Cammy. I put him in a lightning mage fit but I think Mikko (mountain hare) is that? It's all good it looks cool :')

I do think I'm on the cuff of some style changes, I've been wanting to fiddle with how I draw eyes some.


nichereference.png lincethink.png leonard.jpg lince_glasses.png lince.png
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File information
Album name:dcb / 2023
Filesize:50 KiB
Date added:Oct 26, 2023
Dimensions:980 x 800 pixels
Displayed:15 times
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